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Business Conference


At Nova Group, 世界上最有才华的工程师团队, 环境专业人士, and thought leaders are shaping the future by providing innovative solutions for the global real estate industry. 我们雇用勤劳的人,并赋予他们权力, self-motivated, 注重细节的人重视在协作环境中工作. Here at Nova, 我们以“Nova方式”做事:我们努力超越期望, 我们自己的和我们客户的. 我们的服务重点是我们的客户和我们的社区. We have a corporate culture of giving back and a policy that encourages volunteerism so our people can support the organizations they care about the most. 我们关注我们的员工,这是我们最重要的投资. Therefore, we put a premium on recruiting top candidates and maintaining and running an extensive training and development curriculum as we are dedicated to giving our employees what they need to succeed! 我们的远程办公环境提供了最大程度的工作与生活平衡, 正如我们所理解的那样, friends, 个人承诺也同样重要.

Meet The Team


Nova’s leadership plays an instrumental role in shaping and sustaining our culture – to help build trust and cooperation, 提高员工敬业度, 加强士气. 我们在工作中创造的行为成为塑造我们文化的关键部分. 我们的文化提供了一个非正式的控制机制, 对组织有强烈的认同感, 员工之间对什么是重要的有共同的理解. 凭借超过35年的建设和发展诺瓦的文化和可持续性, we have a corporate culture of giving back and a policy that encourages volunteerism so our people can support the organizations they care about the most.


Nova’s business development team is dedicated to working with our clients across the country and globe to fully understand their business so we can provide the best products, services, 以及能够帮助他们实现目标的技术人才.

Our team works closely with our operations group to incorporate feedback from our clients so we can continue to build the tools and technology necessary to improve the way we communicate internally and with our customers.


For over a decade, Nova’s 资本市场集团 (CMG) has grown and maintained its position as a nationwide leader in environmental and engineering due diligence services. 从Nova的全国平台, CMG提供及时, 为北美和墨西哥的客户提供务实和经济高效的解决方案.

CMG不断超越客户期望, working with banks, agency lenders, 人寿保险公司, CMBS lenders, REITs, 养老基金和开发商. We have built an expert and experienced staff of National Account Managers that average over 20 years of experience in the industry. 他们在评估每个具体项目和解释最新的行业标准方面具有专业知识.


Nova在提供尽职调查服务方面享有全国领先的声誉. 承认没有“放之四海而皆准”的方法,” our group is committed to providing Nova clients with customized solutions at all points in the real estate cycle.

首先要了解项目的范围. 我们在收购、处置、租赁前/中/后以及资本规划等领域提供建议. 我们的尽职调查团队会根据客户的具体需求和目标进行调整. 通过关注客户的需求, Nova’s Equity Group can help determine the appropriate scope and thus deliver value and favorable cost/benefit solutions to solve many real estate problems.



across the U.S. 诺瓦拥有一批经验丰富的工程师, architects, and construction managers to assist our clients in the review of specific building systems from conceptual schematics to completed


Nova能源集团为信誉好的赌博全部网址投资者提供服务, developers, 以及对能源对信誉好的赌博全部网址投资组合财务表现的影响有深刻见解的经理. 凭借在能源咨询方面的丰富经验, Nova团队专注于将建筑的能源性能转化为财务术语. Nova帮助客户减少能源消耗

Nova拥有在能源效率领域拥有10年以上经验的核心人员. We provide custom energy audit reports that include site-specific solutions based on dialogue with clients and actual historic performance. 我们能够满足严格的交货时间表,适合在
贷款人的尽职调查期. 我们也做公平的工作,依赖于与客户的长期关系和频繁的沟通和支持.



Since its inception, Nova一直通过其工业卫生提供卓越的服务 & 危险物质组. Nova's reputation for this wide range of services has been instrumental in nurturing long-term client relationships across the country.

我们的专业团队提供全面的服务, 包括石棉管理, 含铅涂料管理, Indoor Air Quality, Industrial Hygiene, Safety Services, Radon, 可持续建筑实践——包括WELL等认证, BREEAM, and FitWell. 我们确保我们的团队成员接受必要的培训和认证, 同时满足州和联邦的要求.

致力于卓越的客户服务, 我们的团队在整个项目生命周期中积极支持和咨询客户, 交付卓越的项目成果. 他们的专业知识加起来跨越了几十年, 涵盖工业卫生的各个方面, environmental health, and safety. 我们的实用方法, 结合对监管要求的深刻理解, 使我们能够在每个项目中交付卓越的成果. Our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement sets us apart from other service providers; we strive to be partners in creating safer, healthier, 更可持续的环境. 


Nova内部的HUD部门进行现场检查以评估总体状况, overall design, 以及物业建筑物的结构元素. 还进行文件审查,以审查以前和计划的资本支出. Nova’s Property Condition Needs Assessment (PCNA) complies with the HUD MAP/LEAN Guidelines and offers a complete narrative on the condition and adequacy of the site and building improvements, 包括所需的表格和信息. 维护等项目, 直接成本估算(生命安全/ADA和非关键), CNA电子工具中的年度替代储备, 评论建筑的信誉好的赌博全部网址与未完成
包括工作,ADA无障碍,FHA和UFAS/504合规性. Nova的第一阶段环境现场评估(esa)也符合HUD MAP/LEAN指南. 进行环境评估是为了确定现场活动可能涉及的环境问题, off-site activities, 遵守联邦法规, state, 和地方机构,这些机构也包括在HUD环境审查在线系统(HEROS)中.


Nova provides 环保合规 Services to public and private sector clients to ensure compliance with federal, 州和地方环境法规. Nova’s 环保合规 Group focuses on providing cost-effective solutions that promote sustainable compliance tailored to the specific needs of each individual client.

Our goal is to exceed client expectations through our knowledge and unwavering dedication to service and results. Nova协助我们的客户评估适用的环境法规, 获得适当的许可和计划, 实现适当的工具和系统来管理法规遵循义务, fulfilling reporting and recordkeeping requirements and managing change due to new regulatory requirements or expanded operations.


The Nova Zoning Group was developed in response to the increasing demand for clients to receive quick and reliable property zoning analysis that outlines zoning conformance. This analysis gives Nova clients greater comfort with the overall property compliance with the local zoning laws. 没有可靠的分区报告,在交易之前彻底检查你的财产, the risk of an unknown zoning violation could result in a substantial delay of your closing or unexpected costs.


The Peak leadership team is focused on partnering with our customers to understand and efficiently manage the environmental aspects of their business. 团队致力于维护安全和创新的工作文化,并具有强大的公司价值观, 选择合理的商业策略来支持公司持续高水平的业绩. Further, they are dedicated to creating a deliverable-focused company through a sustainable business plan that includes continuous staff training, 有效利用信息技术, 有效的沟通平台, 执行一致的行政和技术程序. 匹克的人——水文地质学家, geologists, 环境科学家, engineers, administrators, technicians, 分包商是其最大的优势和资产, and the continuing investment in them and the resources available to them is the primary basis for the success of Peak.


卡尔森环境,一个Nova集团,GBC公司,最初于1988年由Dr. Richard J. 后来在2009年被Edward Garske收购. 卡尔森在帮助客户实现商业目标方面有着良好的记录, 无论是完成一笔信誉好的赌博全部网址交易, 解决环境监管问题, 或协助场地重建. 卡尔森有着一贯的成功记录, 跳出思维定势, finding practical, cost-effective solutions for clients faced with increasingly complex regulatory systems and more challenging financial demands.

卡尔森的管理团队很高兴与一群敬业的工程师一起工作, 地质学家和科学家, 许多人在卡尔森工作了10年以上.


环境的概念 & Design, Inc. (ECAD Engineering) is a unique environmental consulting firm with professional engineers and scientists who specialize in environmental site assessments (ESA), 垃圾填埋工程, 以及明尼苏达州的地下水开发.  

我们在明尼苏达州设计并认证了几个垃圾填埋场衬垫和封盖的建造. 我们擅长垃圾填埋场水文地质调查和设施许可证报告要求. Our professionals have established effective relationships with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency staff based on trust and credibility.

ECAD在市政井设计工作方面有丰富的经验,可以帮助社区满足必要的规划, wellhead protection, 设计要求.  

In addition, our professionals have extensive experience preparing work plans and overseeing Remedial Investigations in the U.S. and Europe.

调查是我们的强项之一. We are very effective in finding soil and groundwater contamination if present and provide contaminant migration evaluations and clean-up plans when necessary.

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